Saturday, March 31, 2018

Replacing Eggs In Baking

My go-to egg replacement solution:
In learning how to bake without eggs, I was frustrated for quite a while. I tried flax gel "eggs," flaxmeal, powdered egg replacers...they all had good points, but the results were not entirely pleasing to me. I'm not a fan of dense, heavy, un-risen muffins! Finally, I had that "aha!" moment.

Eggs are important in baking, not only for their viscosity, but for their fat content!

Most egg alternatives only address the issues of viscosity (texture) or liquid replacement.
In removing eggs, there is also a loss of saturated fat that affects the chemistry of baking.

Coconut oil is a good, healthy fat, with many health benefits. As a plant-based saturated fat, I thought it might make a good replacement for the fat from egg yolks. But how much should I use?

I tried a couple of tablespoons on my first attempt. It was interesting. The texture of the muffins I made showed me that I was definitely on the right track, but there were pools of oil left in the muffin tin! That was not very appetizing.

I did some research on the amount of saturated fat in the yolk of an average egg, converted the grams to ounces to teaspoons, and came up with an amount that seems to work. According to what I found, there is roughly one teaspoon of saturated fat per egg yolk.

In most of my baked goods now, I use a combination of unsweetened applesauce and melted coconut oil to replace the eggs. I have had good success with this in muffins and pancakes, and some cupcakes. It warrants further experimentation. ;)

For each egg, I use 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce + 1 teaspoon melted coconut oil

So far, this has worked well for me. In other recipes, where I use flaxmeal rather than applesauce, I still make sure to add that bit of melted coconut oil.

*I buy the single-serving cups of unsweetened applesauce and just keep them in my baking cupboard. I know it's cheaper to buy it in jars, but when I did that, I always ended up throwing out at least half of every jar. It just went moldy before I got through the whole jar. Using the little cups actually causes less waste for me. It's also handy since most of the recipes I make would have called for two eggs, and each cup of applesauce is the perfect amount for that.

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