Friday, June 1, 2018

Tuna Salad My Way :)

Fish and I are not friends. I have a hard time gearing up to eat fish.  It was not always this way. I grew up in a family that loved to go fishing and I enjoyed fish pretty well. My favorite was when we went back-packing in our favorite wilderness area. Eating wild fish Whitefish, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout or Dolly Varden, caught from clean water, cooked over an alder wood fire.....that was tasty! The change came in my early twenties. It all started when I was pregnant with our second child. The fish department at the store where I did our grocery shopping smelled very bad, every time I was there. I think that the heightened sense of smell during pregnancy did not help the situation. Ever since then, I just can't stand most fish.

I've been trying, actually, because fish is so good for us. I can do salmon once in a while. I can handle albacore tuna, also once in a while. I used to enjoy fish-and-chips, but I can't eat it anymore. Sad. You could take just about anything, dip it in batter and deep-fry it, and I would be a happy camper. :) I miss all of the so-unhealthy, greasy and delicious fried foods! My body is probably grateful that I can't eat like that anymore! ;)

The only fish that I actually like is Orange Roughy. This, of course, is hard to find. They have been over-fished, so the harvest is restricted. I'm not complaining. I'm glad they're trying to preserve the population and not let it get wiped out!

So, all of that being said, when I find a way that I can enjoy fish, it is cause for celebration. This salad works for me. I have it about once every couple of weeks. Today was actually the first time that I added cabbage to it, and I liked it a lot. It was nice to have the crunch of the cabbage, in counterpoint to all the softer things. :)

Tuna Salad My Way
1 cup chopped cabbage
            (I had purple cabbage on hand, so I used that. I liked the color contrast)
5 ounces good albacore tuna, drained and broken up into chunks
1/3 cup sliced olives
      I sometimes add a few "fancy" olives, such as Kalamata or Castelveltrano, for added flavor
1 ripe avocado, peeled and cubed
1 - 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 - 2 teaspoons lime juice
         (I love lime. You can, of course, substitute lemon juice or a vinegar that you like)
1/4 teaspoon salt

~as I was enjoying my lunch, I thought that some shredded carrot would probably be good in this. It would boost the nutrients, and add another pretty color. For those who can eat them, some green onions would probably be good. Or chopped celery or cucumber. :)  Or diced bell pepper. The possibilities are many. :)

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